Classes and Groups

We offer a variety of on-going groups; ranging from Anger Management, Parenting Classes and Domestic Violence. Group support offers multiple benefits, including increased feedback and different perspectives, an opportunity to learn coping methods by observing others as they address the same problems, and an overall improvement in social skills. The groups offered by CIFHS often fulfill requirements for court ordered classes and provide a certificate upon completion.

Anger Management

Anger Management is a court approved program that offers important and useful anger management strategies leading to more effective life coping skills. This program is approved for 52 week parole enrollment. Currently, this group is for adults. We provide certificates upon completion.

Domestic Violence Group

Domestic Violence Group is a program aimed at decreasing and eliminating violence with those we care the most about. Currently the Domestic Violence Group is for indentified perpetrators only. We provide certificates upon completion. We also work with many adults and children who have been victims of domestic violence as part of our child abuse prevention services.

Parent Education

A 20-week program for parents referred by the Los Angeles Department of Children and Family Services or the Courts following allegations of abuse or neglect. Topics covered include child development, communication skills, anger management, alternatives to corporal punishment, and positive-reinforcement strategies

Parenting and Support Groups

CIFHS offers multiple parent education and support groups to healp parents develop parenting and basic communication skills, improve parent-child relationships, foster an understanding of basic child development principles and create a sense of community among a group of fellow parents. These groups and classes include support groups for grandparents raising their grandchildren, fathers, parenting classes in English and Spanish, parent support groups, and classes for pregnant or parenting teens.

Teen Parenting Classes

Teen Parenting classes and mentoring for pregnant or parenting teens that assists young mothers to achieve success in school and and as a parent. Your child will benefit from your education and counseling. We believe that becoming an effective parent is one of the most rewarding tasks in life. The quality of the relationship you have with your child impacts their health and happiness. In the classes you will learn about normal growth development, how to discipline your child, active listenings skills, and how refine your own parenting style. Our program helps you to set and achieve your goals, including staying in school and graduating.